Wednesday, November 5, 2008


here are some things i've been working on in my drawing class.  i've been working pretty small so i don't have to worry about getting my work home.  most of the drawings are in pen, which i was interested in working with because of how graphic and unforgiving the medium is.  my drawing professor showed us how to use silverpoint, an obsolete way of drawing where you use a piece of silver to slowly build up layers to create an image.  i am working on a series of silverpoint drawings of stray dogs in rome.  right now, the drawings look a lot like pencil, but in a few weeks when the silver oxidizes, the shiny grey will turn into a rich brown color.  

conte crayon, about 11x14
charcoal and conte crayon, about 11x14
charcoal, about 11x14
charcoal, about 11x14

ballpoint pen, about 8x10
pen, about 8x10
pen and watercolor pencil, about 5x7
pen and watercolor pencil, about 5x7
silverpoint, about 8x10
silverpoint, about 8x10
pen, about 12x24
pen, about 6x15
pen, about 5x7
pen and watercolor pencil, about 4x5
pen and wash, about 5x7


ALY BOYD said...

is that one drawing of Rosa??!

Kristen Elizabeth said...

i really love those stray dog drawings